
Dr Akshat Sawhney MBBS BSc(Hons) - Core Surgical Trainee
Dr Sawhney completed his medical training at Imperial College in London where he cultivated an interest in medical education and surgery. During his first 2 years of practice, he developed a passion for Plastic surgery, choosing to continue his basic surgical training at the University of Birmingham’s hospitals. There, he was exposed to a wide array of surgical practice, recognised the importance of broad based surgical training and subsequently developed the concept for this text. He aims to continue his career in Plastic Surgery, with a particular interest in Hand and Facial surgery.

Vascular: Mr Faisal Iqbal MBBS MRCS - Vascular Surgery Registrar
Currently working across the University Hospitals Trust. Mr Iqbal completed his medical and surgical training in Pakistan, following which he began work as a Vascular registrar in Birmingham. He has always had a keen interest in medical education, teaching medical students and junior colleagues both formally and informally throughout his career.

Thoracics: Miss Alina Budacan MRCS - Specialist Trainee in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Miss Budacan completed her basic medical training in Romania, after which she completed her basic surgical training and academic research in Birmingham. Most recently she has begun her training as a specialist in cardiothoracic surgery and has a keen interest in adult cardiac and thoracic surgery, trauma and education.

ENT: Dr Tobias James MBBCh BSc - Specialist Trainee in Otolaryngology
Currently practicing in the West Midlands, Dr James trained at Cardiff University Medical School and undertook foundation training in the Wales Deanery. He took a further two years out of formal surgical training in the UK to work as an ENT and Cardiothoracic Surgery non-training registrar in Christchurch, New Zealand. Here, he was exposed to a large amount of acute ENT experience at a major trauma centre. This is where he learnt the tricks of the trade that have been included in this chapter, most of which are rarely taught unless on the job. Dr James is passionate about head and neck ENT surgery to which he is devoting his career.

Cardiac: Miss Ruhina Alam MBBS MSc MRCS(Ed) FCPS - Cardiothoracic Registrar
Currently a non-training registrar in Thoracic Surgery in University Hospital Birmingham, Ruhina started her surgical training in General Surgery but changed track and moved to Cardiothoracic Surgery. Whilst working in Royal Papworth Hospital, one of the biggest Cardiothoracic Units in the U.K, she used her experience in looking after countless unwell patients on the unit to create an SHO handbook. Having received excellent feedback on her previous work, she has continued this and developed the cardiac chapter in this text. This has helped a lot of junior doctors who worked in that unit and now is available to a wider community

Orthopaedics: Dr Sean Milner MBCHb - Core Surgical Trainee
Undergraduate and Foundation School training were undertaken in Edinburgh and Glasgow respectively, where he later moved to Birmingham to undertake Orthopaedic themed core surgical training. He is currently working as a CT2 within various West Midlands trusts. Having almost completed his Masters in Medical Education, he has had a keen interest in both undergraduate and foundation year doctor training. Following a broad base knowledge of clinical and operative Orthopaedic surgery, he hopes to pursue a future career in lower limb surgery as he progresses through registrar training. He aims to develop a further interest in sports and exercise Orthopaedics, working alongside football and rugby teams.

Upper and Lower GI: Mr Anil Krishan BMedSci(Hons) BMBS(Hons) MRCS(Ed) - Core Surgical Trainee
Currently a CT2 Urology trainee in the West Midlands, Mr Krishan trained at the University of Nottingham Medical School and undertook foundation training in Birmingham. He developed his passion for surgery while rotating through plastic surgery during his fourth year of medical school, followed by a surgical elective at the prestigious Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto, Canada. Mr Krishan is passionate about Medical Education and has organised a regional undergraduate surgical teaching programme as well as being elected as the deanery representative for Students for Urology - a national organisation aiming to improve urological training for undergraduates and junior doctors. He hopes to pass on the tips and expertise that he has developed throughout his training to date.

Plastics: Dr Kate Wensley MBChB - Core Surgical Trainee
Dr Wensley is currently a surgical trainee rotating through Birmingham’s hospitals. She has a passion for plastic surgery and clinical research.

Urology: Mr Salim S Malik MRCS (Eng) MBBS BSc (Hons) - Clinical Fellow in Urology
Mr Malik completed his undergraduate medical training at Imperial College London in 2016. During this time he also successfully completed his intercalated BSc in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, with first class honours. Following this he undertook his foundation training in the West Midlands deanery. Exposure to Urology during his foundation training confirmed to Mr Malik that Urology was the career for him. In 2018, Mr Malik commenced his Urology themed Core Surgical Training and successfully completed this in 2020. In order to gain further operative and clinical experience in Urology before starting higher surgical training, Mr Malik is currently working as a Clinical Fellow in Urology within the West Midlands. The knowledge in this chapter is all gained from Mr Malik’s first hand experience and teaching received from nationally and internationally renowned Urologists.